Jack of Diamonds Page 3
"She...I...used to do my sewing there." Jack turned back to the corner, his angelic profile framed by another flash of lightning. "Jolie..." he laughed, "my cat, Jolie...used to purr at my feet as I sewed, and waited for you to call."
Off came the shirt, the pants soon after. Lars was naked now, gazing down at Jack with a fierce desire evident in the large erection nested in the thick patch of hair at the base of his shaft. The electricity outside seemed to transfer to his body. Who knew the undead could feel so alive?
"That poor cat of yours," Lars murmured. "He never did like thunderstorms."
"Neither did I. I still don't." Jack shivered visibly, naked and exposed at Lars' request, with the bedsheets pushed to mid-avalanche over the foot of the bed. Lars took in the young man's long, lean legs, narrow hips, and erect cock, tapping with impatience against his thigh. Soon, Lars admonished them both silently. He had waited so long, but was determined not to spoil the moment with haste.
He slipped beside Jack and eased into a reclining position, then took Jack's narrow yet long shaft in hand. Slowly, carefully, he stroked the fine skin and committed each raised vein, each ridge, to memory.
Jack obliged Lars by leaning closer. He dared a cautious touch to Lars' shoulder, his fingers flickering against skin as if testing the heat of the vampire's body. "It's okay," Lars assured him. "Touch anywhere you want. I belong to you now."
"To me," Jack looked skeptical, "or to the person I used to be?"
"Jack, love." Two words never sounded sweeter. Two lips never tasted sweeter, as Lars soon discovered. What was meant to be a teasing brush of the tongue across the parted seam of Jack's lips turned quickly into a full-blown passionate kiss. Each flash of lightning, each clap of thunder, deepened the experience and urged the lovers closer. It felt to Lars that Paris was close to implosion, giving Jack the impression that they had only so much time.
He broke quickly away. "No," he groaned, then quickly soothed Jack's disappointment with light kisses to his neck and shoulder. "I mean slow down. This should last." He nudged Jack. "Up and over."
Jack complied and bore his knees into the mattress, grasping the headboard and straightening his back. The position forced his ass to stick out and look more rounded than it was. Yet it was still beautiful, smooth and very receptive to touch, so Lars discovered as he slid one finger down the cleft to find Jack's anus.
He stroked the puckered hole and gently breached with one finger, enjoying the look of restrained ecstasy on Jack's face. "Talk to me," Lars said, planting a kiss on his rump. "Tell me about how we met."
"I-I can't remember," Jack said.
"You can't remember last week? How we met. Jack and Lars." Lars fondled Jack's scrotum. "Talk to me."
* * *
Jack's head bowed in response to Lars' caresses. His body felt brittle in the vampire's hands, which clearly left no room for neglect. Lars appeared to be making a thorough exploration of his more sensitive parts, testing what felt good and what didn't. Jack anticipated the exploration to come.
Long seconds later, he arched upward and words spilled forth on a pleasured groan. "I thought you were a dream. Sometimes I still think that."
Lars pried apart Jack's buttocks and flicked his tongue against his anus. If anything could render Jack a babbling puddle, the sensation of a kiss to those delicate nerve endings was it. Words sounded foreign as he fought to stay alert.
"I was alone in my apartment, thinking of you...thinking of all the dreams I'd had of you."
He craned his neck to chance a look behind him. Lars looked too involved in rimming his ass to be listening. The rhythmic bobbing of the vampire's burrowed head was hypnotic, and Lars' own satisfied groaning set fire to Jack's heart. He was making Lars happy, not Lila.
Jack imagined he could recite nursery rhymes and Lars wouldn't know the difference, he seemed so lost in the passion.
Yet, he continued, despite the quivering and the threat of spilling cum on the sheets. "And I w-was so drunk, so upset that night," he said, "that when I saw you..."
The softly audible popping sound of Lars prying his tongue from Jack's anus preceded another brilliant flash cutting the night sky. That one moment illuminated the room and exposed Lars at full height, standing beside the bed. When darkness returned Jack felt only two hands stroking his thighs and a thick, lubricated cock burrowed between his buttocks. Jack didn't want to know how Lars had managed to lube his shaft in that split second; as it was, the ensuing rumble of thunder shattered his thoughts.
"You were so beautiful, all I could think about was having you do this to me, having your cock in my ass," Jack said. He looked at Lars and wondered how well the forlorn expression on the vampire's face mirrored his own, reliving this memory. "But you didn't do it."
"I wanted to be sure of myself," Lars said. "I wanted to know, before I could make love to you, that I could give myself completely to you. I wanted to know if you could do the same for me."
"You have to ask? I'd been ready for years, before I even knew you existed." Jack turned his focus to the headboard, seeing the knuckles wrapped around it drained white. Would he look like that all over, after Lars made him a vampire? Would Lars even do that? If he wanted, he could spend Jack's mortal lifetime making love to him and waiting for death, then waiting for Lila's next incarnation. Jack's death didn't guarantee it, but Jack knew immortality would negate that chance.
"What are you thinking?" Lars demanded softly. "Why do you look so serious all of a sudden?"
Jack felt the thick, warm rod ride slowly up and down the cleft of his buttocks, stopping to prod his scrotum and anus as Lars teased him. "I'm wondering when I'm going to feel you inside me." That much was true.
Lars didn't answer, but tapped strongly against Jack's ass with his cock. His free hand massaged Jack's anus in preparation for entry. Jack had a few lovers in his day, and the occasional thick cock pounding in his ass, yet always managed to stay tight. Lars seemed to sense this, and it warmed Jack to feel Lars' compassionate touch.
When Lars did enter him, the thunder exploded behind his eyes, and the lightning shot up his spine and sent the heat throughout his entire body. Gliding slowly in and out, in and out, Lars' cock hit every erogenous spot within him, enhancing every sensation felt. The rain pelting the window was louder, bullets to impervious glass. The bed was softer and more pliable, so much that Jack thought he could sink into the sheets and drown a happy man.
And Lars' touch...his hands! Each thrust matched a caress up his sides. Light kisses fell upon his back and tingled the affected nerves. Jack felt he could harness the lightning outside and ride it to heaven.
"You feel so good, love," Lars gasped as he pumped and groaned. "I could do this to you all night."
"I could let you," Jack returned.
"Touch yourself. Stroke your cock for me, love."
Jack nearly lost balance giving up that one brace, but quickly recovered as he grasped his own rod. His hand hit Lars' as the vampire reached below to stroke Jack's scrotum; Jack swore he saw a spark.
Lars leaned over and whispered in Jack's ear. "I'm going to come inside you."
"And though I don't imagine you do it, but I want you to do this to me." Lars' hand covered Jack's and guided it up and down his rod. "I want to feel this inside me."
Jack said nothing. What could he say? He had never topped anybody in his life...he had never even been with a woman, not even out of curiosity! What if Lars didn't like it, what if Jack did something wrong, what if...
A final kiss dispelled further doubt, and Lars arched back with an earth-shattering cry as he came. Jack, unable to hold out much longer himself, felt his own seed spilling over his fingers as he stroked.
And Paris, as if sensing their release, set forth one last lightning bolt that branched into thousands of tiny, luminous threads before fading into calm and allowing the lovers to sleep in peace.
In his immortal life, the only meaning time had
for Lars involved finding Lila. Now, with Jack here lying in his arms, time was irrelevant. This beautiful young man, snoring softly against his chest, was all that mattered. The sooner the change was completed, the sooner they could enjoy eternity.
Now, though, Jack looked too adorable to rouse. Lars shifted slightly in bed to avoid the direct sunlight streaming through a crack in the heavy curtains. All he knew of time now was that it was daytime. Which day, who knew? He and Jack had spent so many of them in bed making love that for all Lars knew, it could be Christmas Eve.
And he'd been a naughty boy this year. No matter, he received his gift early. That he'd lasted this long without having to feed was another miracle. Lars had to wonder that perhaps cum did have more potency than blood. He wouldn't mind researching that theory more with Jack.
"Mmmmmmmm." His cheek resting on Lars's breast, Jack fluttered slowly awake. His lips parted just enough to capture the vampire's nipple and suckle gently. "I don't suppose I still have a job back home. What month is it?"
"What does it matter? You are home now, and you won't need to work again, thanks to the Ullsson fortune amassed over the past two hundred years." He chuckled, watching Jack blink away sleep and snuggle deeper into bed. Definitely a better alternative to working a thankless, nine to five job.
"I could live with that," Jack said, then suddenly blushed. "Er, that is..."
Lars slid down to Jack and spooned him. Under the sheets their legs tangled and Lars's cock hardened against the small of his lover's back. "That, is that, and this is forever, love. But I won't glamorize the change for you, Jack, if you want it—"
"More than anything." Jack trembled in his arms.
"I can't tell you how it will feel, because it's different for everybody," Lars continued, not missing a beat. "For some, it's an incredibly erotic experience. I hear some have likened it to making love."
Jack looked worried. "For others?"
Lars' face became a straight line as unbidden memories of his own change surfaced. Rape would have been the word to use in his case, and Jack seemed to detect that and didn't press for detail. Perhaps his own memories of that night—Lila's final memories—helped him to understand.
Lars kissed his bare shoulder and nipped his ear. "Don't be sad, love. It ended well. We're together now and will be forever. You'll have everything your heart desires."
"I have it now." Jack playfully met Lars's kiss and tumbled on top of him. "Though I wouldn't mind having the house back. Lila's death notwithstanding, the memories I have of it have been wonderful."
"We could speak with Flora...later," Lars said, and eased Jack off his body. The sheets snagged around him and pulled away as he rolled onto his stomach. "Now, though, I'd like to do something else."
"I won't argue," Jack said with a smile.
Lars drew up on his knees and braced the heels of his hands underneath his pillow. He felt the warm air between his buttocks and anticipated a more intimate touch. Jack's long, growing cock looked inviting as Jack rubbed his shaft back to life. He had spent much of the last few days sucking that cock, yet Jack's own ass was too deliciously tight to resist fucking. Jack had yet to return the favor, and now Lars couldn't wait to feel him.
Jack's cock barely brushed his backside when a knock came at the door. Flora's melodic greeting was muffled yet light. "One second," Lars called, and beckoned Jack to cover himself, cursing all the while.
"I figured I let you two become acquainted long enough. Just checking in." Flora backed into the room bearing a basket of fresh linens. "Are you two enjoying yourselves?"
"Not at all," Lars returned with all seriousness, and braced for Jack's slap to his shoulder. He laughed as Jack rounded the older woman and helped with the sheets. "Though Jack will likely need something to eat shortly."
The old woman looked shocked for a moment, and Lars realized she had come expecting two vampires. "Of course. I can make sandwiches," she said finally, looking at Jack with some interest.
"So," she continued cautiously, "do you remember...everything?"
"Just about, Amelie."
Lars smiled. Jack addressing Flora by Lila's maid's name, having never heard it before, was very encouraging, yet to Lars it didn't really matter how much of Lila's life Jack remembered. There were many memories to make together.
"You know everything about this house then? How it belonged to your family? Where everything used to be?"
Jack cinched his robe tightly and folded his arms. "I do. In fact, we wanted to talk to you about—"
Seconds later, Jack talked of nothing. Lars felt his body numb, shocked with the old woman's speed.
Her hand was fisted near Jack's head, clutching a cocked pistol.
"Make one move, Lars, and I'll fire," Flora warned. "You don't want to lose your lover again, do you? Not after it took two hundred years for you two to be united again."
"Flora, put the gun down. Whatever the problem is, it can be solved without resorting to violence." What had gotten into the old woman? What happened to the benevolent soul who harbored all creatures of the night, who wouldn't hurt a living, or undead, being?
Jack trembled under the weight of Flora's threat. The fear in the young man's eyes tore painfully through Lars. Why didn't he change him earlier? Lars cursed himself silently. For all his powers he was helpless; the anger in Flora's expression held no doubt that she would carry through with her threat if provoked.
"What do you want, Flora?" Lars held his palms outward to Flora, for all the good it did. "Money, immortality...just let Jack come to me and I'll take care of everything."
Yet Flora addressed Jack directly. "I want the diamond," she demanded. "I want the Seine Rose."
"What diamond? What rose?" Jack asked.
"Don't play stupid. I was your personal servant. You confided in me, told me everything." Flora's voice was shrill. "I knew you kept jewels hidden around this room. Rubies and sapphires you figured your mother and grandmother wouldn't miss."
"Is this true, Jack?" Lars asked. Flora had said nothing of this to him. Lars knew he had been accused of Lila's murder, but not robbery.
Jack nodded. "I remember hiding smaller stones, pendants. I thought we'd need them to elope," he said, his voice soft. "I thought we'd sell them as we needed them to get by, but that never happ—" The tears were too much, and Jack sobbed.
"That never happened because Rodin killed you," Flora finished for him. Lars felt a stabbing pain to the chest. How did Flora know the name of Lila's killer...his creator?
Flora clearly anticipated the unasked question. "Rodin was only supposed to rob you, not kill you," she said, still focused on Jack. "I can only imagine you must have done something to screw everything up, you ninny. Rodin never killed without reason."
"Did he change people without reason, too?" Lars challenged, baring his fangs. "I never got one." He couldn't believe there was a possibility Flora might have had a hand in his past tragedy.
"You didn't give him a chance, did you? You just killed him, I saw it happen!" Flora shouted, the gun trained on Lars now. This was slightly comforting; Flora couldn't hurt him, and despite looking out of sorts, Jack had the sense to slip further away from the woman.
"I was there that night, watching from behind that door. Rodin was supposed to change me!" she cried. "We were going feed off the entire household and live together forever off the D'aubigne riches. Instead I had to die an old, miserably poor woman, toiling for a family that couldn't stop mourning their precious Lila."
The words burned, and the desire to feed that had been overshadowed by Lars' desire for Jack was fast taking hold again. Flora was old, but blood was blood.
"Luckily, Amelie's memories came quickly, and I managed to find most of the jewels hidden in the original, rotting framework of the house," Flora said, "all except the Seine Rose. Why do you think I turned this place into a haven for vampires?" she asked. "I knew you would come eventually, hoping Lila would return in another life. I had t
o take the chance that it would happen in my lifetime."
"Wait a minute," Jack sniffled, then jumped back when Flora turned sharply. "I saw the story on television. The Seine Rose was the largest diamond in France at one time." He looked to Lars for confirmation.
"It was to be Lila's upon her marriage, to a man of affluent lineage," Lars offered. "But, since your family didn't approve of me, I can only guess Lila managed to hide it away to take with us. I wouldn't know how she did it, or how her family missed it." Lila had said nothing about the Seine, or hiding any jewels, to him that last night. Perhaps it was to have been a surprise, Lars decided.
He'd had enough surprises for one millennia.
Jack's eyes shone through his tears. "The Seine Rose," he whispered. "That's like the Hope Diamond, and it's never been found. It has to be priceless...and it's mine?"
"It's mine!" Flora screeched. "You owe me, D'aubigne! I lost my Rodin, I lost my chance at..."
Lars stepped closer. Flora didn't notice; she, too, noticed the change in Jack's expression.
"You remember now," she whispered.
"I do." Jack looked smug.
"Tell me," Flora bit out.
Jack instead bit his lip, and cast Lars a look of apology. No. He wasn't about to do what Lars was thinking, he couldn't.
"You'll have to kill me," Jack said. "Because I'm not talking."
I'm sorry, love, Jack's sad smile imparted. Lars shook his head. He could feel the room close around him, suffocate him. The lightning that had earlier enhanced his desire now sought to increase the pain in his heart.
"Don't," Lars begged.
"You found me once, you'll find me again," Jack said.
"I want you the way you are, now."
"I'm sorry," Jack said, shaking his head, "but I won't give this bitch the satisfaction of taking what's rightfully mine, especially since it's her fault I died once because of it."
"So you'll die again? It's a rock. It's only worth what somebody else wants for it, and you are worth more to me!" Lars couldn't believe his ears. Words failed him when Flora cleared her throat; suddenly she was in the room again.